Looking for Employment? Looking for Trained Workers? 

We Can Help.

With OhioMeansJobs Richland County, job seekers have access to resources to help them find an employer that invests in the growth of their career, while also aiding employers in finding a trained workforce with the skills and tools they need to succeed on the job. Learn more about services, events, and resources below. 

Request an application for training funds - WIOA

To get started, please fill out the quick questions below. We'll provide you with a link to additional resources and a fillable program application.

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Employment Services

About OhioMeansJobs Richland

ohio means jobs

Post a Position

With OhioMeansJobs Richland, employers can post positions, search resumes, and find labor market information. Job postings can be made through a business services representative.

Learn More



Our Employer Services Team will screen, assess, and recruit candidates to meet your hiring needs; use our facilities to conduct on-site interviews of pre-screened candidates and move forward in hiring best fit workers with great potential. 

hiring event

Hiring Events

Our hiring events provide customized activities for individual employers including:

  • Advertising
  • Access to conference rooms to accommodate various needs and capacities
  • Candidate screening
  • On-site interview rooms to interview candidates for open, current positions.

Learn More



We prioritize service for veterans. OhioMeansJobs Richland in partnership with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Veterans Services Department offers job placement and agency referral services, barrier elimination, training, and career management services. OhioMeansJobs offers special resources and access to jobs posted specifically for veterans. 

Learn More

Job Seeker Services

Job Leads and Referrals

The easiest way to find new job leads is online! The OhioMeansJobs state website lists job openings in Ohio as well as offering tools and resources to help you explore your career path.

Hiring Events

Be aware that some of our employers request that an online application be completed prior to attending the event. If this is the case, it will be noted. View our calendar of upcoming Hiring Events. Everyone is welcome to attend and there is no charge.

If you are an employer and would like to work with us to hire in Richland County, please contact us here

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) 

Through the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) the goals of Workforce Development staff are to assist you with obtaining employment. Workforce Development staff will work with you to create a resume, engage in job search activities, and practice your interviewing skills. We will listen to your interests and goals to provide guidance as to what steps can be taken to meet your occupational goals. If gainful employment cannot be located after working intensively with your career advisor, then your career advisor may suggest pursuing a short-term training program of 2 years or less. During the WIOA orientation session, you can expect to learn an overview of the services and requirements.

To learn more, call or visit the OhioMeansJobs Richland Center.

Tools & Resources

  • Copying
  • Computers with internet access
  • Scanning
  • Fax
  • Telephones
  • OMJ Hiring Event Calendar
  • OMJ Workshop Calendar

These services are available at no charge during our regular business hours. 

Online Job Search and Skills Development

There is a wealth of valuable tools on this site that you can use to search for a job or to upgrade your skills, including practice tests for your GED and the NCRC certificate. Have fun and explore the many excellent tools available here!

 Labor Market Information

Youth Services

Youth ages 14-24 who have at least one barrier to employment may be eligible for Youth Services. Service strategies, developed by contracted youth services providers, prepare youth for employment and/or post-secondary education through strong linkages between academic and occupational learning.

Catalyst Life Services serves nearly 200 Richland County youth, with an emphasis on out-of-school youth with multiple barriers, some of those barriers might include youth who are: 

  • Basic skills deficient
  • An English language learner
  • Offenders or subject to the juvenile or adult justice system
  • Homeless or a runaway
  • In foster care or who have aged out of foster care
  • Are pregnant or parenting
  • Have a diagnosed disability
  • Youth who require additional assistance to complete an education program or obtain and maintain long-term employment 

In serving these youth participants, staff members in this program emphasize a number of program elements individualized to the participant and designed to increase the youth's employment and educational opportunities.

If you know anyone interested in this program contact Catalyst Life Services at 419-774-2250 or at jakubick@catalystlifeservices.org.

Dislocated Worker Services

A dislocated worker is someone who is 18 years old or older and who has lost his/her job as a result of a lay-off, company closure, or company downsizing. Dislocated worker services are services that assist the dislocated worker in moving back into the job market as quickly as possible and provide opportunities to upgrade skills to increase marketability.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Funds

Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) the goals of Workforce Development staff are to assist you with obtaining employment. We will work together with you to create a resume, job search, and practice your interviewing skills. We will listen to your interests and goals to provide guidance as to what steps can be taken to meet your occupational goals. If gainful employment cannot be located after working intensively with your career advisor, then your career advisor may suggest pursuing a short-term training program of 2 years or less. During the WIOA orientation session, you can expect to learn an overview of the services and requirements.

To learn more, call or visit the OhioMeansJobs Richland Center.

Business Services

Job Postings

Center staff will post your job openings on ohiomeansjobs.com, the State of Ohio’s premier job matching system, to reach a broad online audience. Job center visitors can work with Resource Room Aides to identify potential job opportunities or pick up local job listings during their visits. Local company paper applications provided to the Center can be made available to job seekers in their search for work.

Seeking Qualified Candidates

If you need help identifying candidates to fill your positions, Center staff can search the ohiomeansjobs.com resume database for candidates meeting your qualifications. 

Employment Screening

Center staff can take applications, search resumes, and screen resumes based on specific criteria to save you time and effort.  

Office Space

Office space is available upon request.  Whether it’s for interviewing, recruiting, onboarding, or training, OhioMeansJobs Richland has space and computer/WiFi access to accommodate your needs.

Training Assistance

Contact the OhioMeansJobs Richland Center to discuss training assistance to help you increase your hiring potential (On-the-Job Training) or re-train/up-skill your current workforce (Incumbent Worker/Customized Training). Funding assistance is available to employers based on a sliding scale.

Learn More About Job Training Assistance

Rapid Response

(Lay-off, company closure assistance) - Rapid Response is a pro-active, flexible, business-focused strategy designed primarily to respond to layoffs and plant closures by quickly coordinating and providing immediate aid and services to businesses and their impacted employees.

We offer employers and impacted employees:

  • Coordinated unemployment information
  • Priority access to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded training and On-the-job training.
  • On-site workshops
  • Connections to local employers who are hiring candidates with the impacted employees’ skill sets

Our Rapid Response Team will assess your impacted worker’s needs and provide the appropriate services, either at your place of business or another convenient location. We will provide impacted workers with individual career counseling, skills assessments, basic skills training, occupational skills training, job search, and job placement assistance. 

Labor Market Information

Access to Ohio Labor Market Information, Census Data, and local Job Surveys.

More Resources

Ohio Department of Job and Family Services – Workforce Development

Job-Readiness Workshops

Take advantage of our Workshops to build and improve your skills! There is no charge to attend and everyone is welcome! Pre-registration is not required unless noted and workshops are available on a first-come first-served basis as space allows. Workshops are subject to change without prior notice.
Are you a self-starter? Learn online at your own pace and convenience and best of all, at no charge! Check out the following links:




Give us a call or stop by our office to see if you qualify!

183 Park Ave East, Mansfield, OH 44902

OhioMeansJobs Richland is open to all Richland County residents. The highest priority is placed on serving dislocated workers, individuals with barriers to employment, and veterans, but anyone searching for a job in the Mansfield region can benefit from OhioMeansJobs Richland services.

Phone: 419-774-5400 
Fax: 419-774-0051
Hours of Operation: Monday‑Friday
Call Center Hours: Monday‑Friday
8:00am - 3:30pm


Copyright © 2025 Richland County Job & Family Services. All rights reserved.